- 購買加密貨幣後可以在 KryptoGO Wallet 做什麼 What can I do in KryptoGO Wallet after buying cryptocurrencies?
- 目前錢包支援哪一些鏈種? Which chains does the wallet currently support?
- 只能用美金計價嗎?Is USD the only one supported when calculating prices?
- 目前支援什麼付款方式?What payment does KryptoGO support?
- 如果我輸入信用卡資訊,但在最後一步取消交易,我這樣還會被扣款嗎?If I enter my card information but canceled the transaction at the last step, will I be charged?
- 為什麼我會看到這個錯誤訊息:「發卡行拒絕交易。請聯繫您的銀行或改用其他銀行卡」Why am I seeing this message “Your card issuer declined this request. Contact your bank or use another card.”
- 我急著要用錢,要如何變成法幣出金?I‘m in urgent need using money, how do I transfer the crypto back to fiat?
- 客服的回覆時間為何?When can I get responds form the customer service?
- 我可以連結多少張銀行卡到我的錢包裡,我的刷卡資料安全嗎?How many bank cards can be linked in my wallet? Is it safe?
- 為什麼沒辦法選擇 EVM 之外的錢包收款?Why can't I choose to receive money from a wallet other than EVM?
- 「Receiving Wallet」只能選擇我在 KryptoGO Wallet 中的錢包嗎? "Receiving Wallet" only select my wallet in KryptoGO Wallet?
- 單筆最低購買金額及每週購買額度 Minimum purchase amount and weekly limits
- 我要去哪裡知道購買訂單狀態和詳細資訊 Where can I check the order status and other details?