- 錢包被駭客攻擊,怎麼辦?What should I do when my wallet is hacked?
- KryptoGO Wallet 的安全性如何?How secure is KryptoGO Wallet?
- 如果我被詐騙,我的錢是從 KryptoGO 錢包轉到詐騙者的KryptoGO 錢包,這筆被詐騙的錢是不是就沒救了? If I get scammed and my money is transferred from the KryptoGO wallet to the scammer's KryptoGO wallet, is the scammed money worthless?
- 如果我手機掉了,手機被撿走並註冊錢包拿來詐騙別人,KryptoGO 會有權利把錢包凍結或是其他處理方式嗎?If my phone is dropped, and the phone is picked up and used to register a wallet to defraud others, will KryptoGO have the right to freeze the wallet or deal with it in other ways?