我們致力於區塊鏈世界的資產管理,沒有直接支援法幣出金功能。不過,您可以點擊首頁的「轉出」按鈕,將需要兌換的加密貨幣,轉到你在其他交易所的錢包,再依循該交易所的操作方式,提出法幣。(只要有支援您持有幣種及協定的交易所皆可,包含但不限於:Coinbase、幣安、Kraken、MAX、ACE 交易所……等)
We are dedicated to asset management in the blockchain world, there transferring crypto into fiat is not supported. However, you can click the [send] button to transfer the crypto to other exchanges and follow their processes to transfer it into fiat currency.(All exchanges that support the crypto you possess are acceptable, including Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, MAX, ACE exchange, etc.